Helping tackle the job of running multiple schools
Managing technical staff can be tough, especially across multiple sites and in differing settings. Offering the right levels of challenge and support if there is not a great deal of technical knowledge with the trust leadership makes it hard to recruit, retain and get the best from your teams.
We can offer support in these areas to help you develop a strong team.
For staff with a lack of experience, particularly in management, they can find it challenging to get to grips with the role. We have been there and done it, so we can use our experience to provide challenge and support in equal measures to build confidence, develop technique and maintain focus.
Hiring the right staff is key to building a good team but judging whether a candL:@>?idate is technically competent can be difficult. We can offer support with the recruitment process including writing a job description and advert, through shortlisting right up to helping with interview.
When it comes to developing your technical team, making sure that performance management targets are appropriate is key to success. Our professional standards framework can provide long term clarity and structure to help develop the skills and knowledge of your team.
It is often a challenge to make staff development days relevant and valuable for support staff. Our team can provide relevant training in a number of areas including:
We also regularly arrange conferences for School Business Professionals covering HR, Finance and Health and Safety using external speakers. We can use that experience to build a programme for your staff.
The school website has grown in significance over the last decade and is now seen as a vital instrument in the effective running of a school. However, designing and implementing a new website is only the first step, and when you are dealing with multiple websites that all need to mantain a common shared identity this is particularly challenging. If you do not have a strategy in place to keep it up to date and compliant then it can become a risk to your reputation rather than an asset.
We can help you to develop a sustainable strategy to make sure the whole trust is involved in keeping websites up to date and relevant. With our help your online estate can become an instrument of engagement, information and marketing.
Keeping track of all the legislation and whether you have ticked all the boxes is one of those time-consuming tasks that will probably never make it to the top of your to do list. Furthermore, it is not a job you can get away with doing just once a year as the requirements all kick in at different times of the year. With the school website being the first port of call for Ofsted inspectors, not being compliant is not an option. We can help with either one off compliance checks or a year-round monitoring service to help you prepare.
As a Multi Academy Trust you probably want to share the online information being generated by your schools in a single communication channel. This can be difficult, time consuming and result in a lot of duplicated work. We have developed custom tools for MAT's that can streamline this process, automatically monitoring and consolidating the online information profiles of multiple schools within a family. Tools that can undertake tasks like automatically tweeting news articles when they are posted on a school website, or automatically retweeting posts from a twitter account when certain hashtags or phrases are used.
Effective communication within a large team of busy people is difficult - even more so since the introduction of GDPR.
Our tried, tested and trusted online community platforms contain valuable tools to support collaboration and communication across your organisation.
Developed on the ground by governors, our governor portal puts all the necessary resources and communications into a single secure online community. The community provides meeting planning tools and document libraries which naturally form an online archive. Access is carefully controlled to keep you GDPR compliant amongst the abstract and diverse make up of your Governing Body. The portal can also support multiple sets of governors such as trustees and local governing bodies in the same portal but keep all the information and activity separated out.
Our tried and tested online community software can help connect individuals in different schools doing the same role such as Headteachers, SENDCo's, Key Stage Leaders and NQT's. By forming online groups and empowering them with a range of communication tools they will be able to collaborate and communicate speedily and effectively.
Reliance on technology is ever increasing, and if you do not have control over the effectiveness, the vision and the cost then it can be a huge challenge to keep it on track.
With our expert help you can take charge and stay in control.
Knowing where you are, and more importantly where you want to get to with your IT vision is important. With so many options available, knowing what is best for your schools can be difficult. We can help you to identify priorities and build a roadmap to make sure the trust and its schools are always maximising the benefits from technology spend.
When investing in a specialist area such as IT, having knowledge and expertise on your side so that you can be confident in your tender process is vital. No matter what you are looking to procure, we can help identify the appropriate solution by providing support with writing your statement of requirements and any technical specifications.
We do not sell hardware or infrastructure installations, and we do not have any partnerships with suppliers who do. This means we can provide completely impartial and unbiased advice on all aspects of IT and you can be confident that the support we give is genuine and transparent in all areas including MIS, data and network support.
Every multi academy trust is different and has unique requirements for their IT. Our vast exprience and knowledge of supporting IT at a senior strategic level within schools and MAT's can offer a unique perspective. We are happy to build bespoke support packages and offer support on a daily basis where a standard offering is not suitable.
If you would like to find out more about how we can support you with any of these services then please get in touch using the information below.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss any of our services in more detail then please get in touch:
Twitter: | @EducationCol | |
Phone: | 0330 2234208 | |
Email: | |