Data Protection Information from theEducationCollective
Data Protection Information
From theEducationCollective

theEducationCollective is committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal information.

The information below relates specifically to our role providing online communties to our customers

Data Collection

theEducationCollective does not act as a "data controller." We are not responsible for deciding how personal data is held and used. We provide online systems for various organisations, but those organisations remain both the data controller and the data processor of the information. Our role is to maintain the system to ensure it functions effectively and is secure.

We have no legal basis under which to process data held on behalf of our clients without specific permission and instruction.

Storing Data

We mantain a cloud based platform in which the data is stored. The majority of the information stored is not encrypted to ensure it is available for use readily, however all security information such as passwords, and any sensitive information is encrypted.

theEducationCollective holds the Cyber Essentials certification and all data is held within the EU.

Requesting Access to Your Personal Data

theEducationCollective is not able to respond directly to any requests relating to data held within our platform by any of our clients. All requests need to go directly to the organisation who hold the data.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to discuss any of our services in more detail then please get in touch:

Phone: 0330 2234208
Email: enquiry@​theEducation​