Terms of Use from theEducationCollective
From theEducationCollective

We provide all tools in good faith to our customers with the expecation that they will handle the personal data in their care with respect and follow all relevant legislation and that the tools are not used for any illecit or immoral purposes. Where we do not accept any responsibility where this is not the case, we will always intervene and recommend alternative practices should any instances of poor data mangement be bought to our attention.

Listed below you will find links to current versions of our various terms and conditions and related documents that apply to our services.

These documents are subject to change and so we recommend regularly reviewing these.

General Terms and Conditions (Hosting)
General Terms and Conditions (Online Community)
Acceptable Use Policy
Cookie Policy
Data Processing Agreement
Privacy Policy

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to discuss any of our services in more detail then please get in touch:

Phone: 0330 2234208
Email: enquiry@​theEducation​Collective.com